Family holiday away from home.

Money-Saving Tips for Family Holidays

Are you planning a weekend getaway? Something longer? Do not click that confirmation button until you are sure you are saving as much as possible.

Forget what you knew about traveling. Everything is different – including how to save money. Here is what you need to know about going on a post-pandemic family holiday in the U.K.

Practise Safe Social Distancing

Catching COVID-19 would easily be the most expensive part of your trip. Even if you have great health coverage, the virus can put you out of work indefinitely. Play it safe and follow these virus safety tips from the NHS:

  • Keep at least two meters of distance from anyone outside of your travel group. Two meters is about three adult-sized steps.
  • Spend at least 20 seconds washing your hands. You should use soap and water, and really make sure to get that soap foaming. Regular soap is effective at breaking down the virus if it is on your hands, which is why experts recommend regular hand washing.
  • If you have just handled something likely touched by strangers, but do not have soap and water readily available, then you should use hand sanitser as soon as possible.
  • Make it a point to wash your hands as soon as you get back to your hotel room. Ideally, you will be washing your hands all throughout the day, too.
  • Wear a face covering that goes over your mouth and nose. The NHS recommends that you cover your face on public transport, in the hospital, and anyplace where it is hard to stay away from people. Any children under three do not need to wear masks. According to the NHS, people with breathing difficulties should not wear masks. Keep in mind that face coverings should be used in tandem with everything else on this list (not in place of any of it).
  • If you develop COVID-19 symptoms, it is important to get medical help. Symptoms include a high temperature, losing your sense of smell or taste, or a continuous cough. If you think you are sick, you can check your symptoms with NHS 111 Online and get information on what to do next.

While it is impossible to ensure 100% safe travel, the above tips will only help reduce the chances that you get the virus. If your travel destination is a COVID hot spot, then we strongly advise you to make new plans.

Don’t Break the Law

It is important to know the local laws relevant to your travel destination. For instance, you may not be able to go indoors or stay overnight in certain areas – meaning that all holidays need to be a day trip to open space. It may be against the law to meet with groups larger than six or meet inside with anyone who is not part of your household.

These rules are constantly changing. It is important to keep up to date with what is a criminal offence.

What to Know About Public Transport

Although traveling by bus is typically one of the best ways to save money on a U.K. holiday, the government recommends avoiding public transport. Whenever possible, though, you should walk or cycle to your destination instead. If you have to use public transport, you should try to avoid the busiest routes and times.

You are required by law to wear a face-covering when traveling on a bus, coach, ferry, aircraft, cable car, hovercraft, train, or tram. Punishment for breaking this law is a fine of up to £100.

Please note that now is not the time for exploring. You should plan your route before heading out so that you do not need to wander. And whenever possible, book your tickets online.

Related: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Break Free from the Chains

At the time of publishing, overnight holidays are illegal in the U.K. As soon as this changes, though, it will be important for travelers to find the best deals on hotel accommodations.

When you stay at one of the big hotel chains, you are helping pay their marketing costs. Such overhead does not exist for smaller properties, especially family-owned units. The pandemic has shuttered many of these locations permanently, but we expect holiday lets to surge in the coming months.

Try using sites like to find a cheap place to stay. Even popular travel spots like London can be as cheap as £50 a night.

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Invest in a Touring Pass

The National Trust offers a touring pass that grants you free entry to hundreds of gardens and coastal as well as countryside parks. For around £80, you can get a 14-day pass for you and your family.

Book your tickets ahead of time. Gardens and parks in Northern Ireland and England are very popular right now. Do not be surprised if you have to plan your trip several weeks out. Keep in mind that a National Trust Touring Pass works for up to 14 days. Do not activate your pass until you know you will be able to use it.

If £80 is more than you want to spend to see a garden, then you might be better off taking your family to a national park instead. Entry is free at all of Britain’s national parks.

How to Postpone a Trip

One of the best ways to save on travel is to book in advance. However, that can be problematic during and after a pandemic. Do this first if you need to postpone your trip:

  • Contact everyone you paid in advance and request a refund.
  • Check and see if your credit card includes any kind of applicable vacation insurance.
  • If refunds are not available, ask if you can reschedule your trip for a later date.

Many travel services are introducing stricter refund policies. If you end up catching the virus and have to cancel your trip, then you may end up losing most what you paid in advance. We recommend only booking with companies that offer full refunds or waiting until just before you leave to make your reservations.

You Will Likely Save Money No Matter What

With most entertainment options closed, it will be a lot harder for you to splurge on a family holiday. Chances are your trip will end up looking something like this:

  1. Travel to a garden or nearby national park
  2. Spend the day enjoying nature with your family
  3. Eat a picnic you brought from home
  4. Return to your house before it gets too dark

You might find that you end up having a better trip with these restrictions, as you will be forced to spend time with your travel companions. And it may feel good to return home with money left in your pocket.

About Oscar Davies

Oscar Davies
Oscar prefers the typewriter to the keyboard and regularly submits his articles via snail mail. He is an authority in new economic sociology and is fascinated by how money affects culture. You can rely on Oscar for up-to-date enlightenment on all things moolah.

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